
Courses and Workshops

It is wonderful being able to paint with you on a workshop and offer demonstrations in person, these live events are listed below including their organisers. However, these are limited to the distance I am prepared to travel to visit you. So I am offering exciting courses on FACEBOOK which are now available. These have limited places (max 14) keeping the group small enables me to give quality feedback on all of the lessons and keep in touch with you all regularly. I am SO enjoying connecting with painters from all over the world in these groups. The next available groups begins in September 2024 with bookings for these opening in July.
You need to book in advance of the course beginning to secure your place and ensure you have all the information and materials needed before the teaching begins. Registration closes 1 week after the course begins.

September 2024

Wed 11th - 09:00 to 12:00
WATERCOLOUR DEMONSTRATION with group participating.
I am looking forward to meeting you all at the Winchcombe Art Group.
This is a different demonstration from the ones that I offer because anyone who wants to join in and paint, will be able to!
So although it's a demonstration, I will be painting on a flat surface and the demonstration can go in any direction, with a floral theme, it's going to be loose and variant with participants at the demonstration using their own materials to have a go. 
Loose Watercolour Flowers
- Winchcombe in Gloucestershire

October 2024

Thu 24th - 10:00 to 16:00
This workshop is intended to inspire participants to work freely and loosely over two paintings designed to be displayed as a pair, either as a double page spread in an art book (as shown) or on two sheets of paper the same size that can be mounted and displayed as a pair.
Each work is painted on size A4 paper. The course will cover composition and the importance of suggesting a flow within the composition, leading the eye from one side of the composition and back to the other.
Participants can also choose any colour scheme they wish and they'll be examples in both purples and blues (as shown) or deep breads (suggesting poppies)
This is ideal for those who would like to free up their watercolour style. 
To book this workshop, or for more information contact
or ring  01451 844425
Wild Flowers using Watercolour
- Windrush near Burford - Cotswolds

November 2024

Sat 9th - 10:00 to 16:00
Do join me on this creative day intended to develop your brush use and composition skills.
We will be painting lovely loose flowers in subtle autumn/winter colour palettes, although you may choose your own colour palette, altering the season of your painting if you wish. 
Work at your own pace on a scale you feel most comfortable with, incorporating simple details using colouring pencils, watercolour pencils, or even pastel pencils, whatever colour pencils you already have that may be useful.
This day is about developing your skills and ideas helping you to expand your approach to painting flowers.

Our organiser is Nicky, you can contact her for more information about the venue, and how to book the workshop. nicky_barrett@hotmail.com
Watercolour Flowers without outlines
- Tewkesbury

March 2025

Thu 6th - 14:30 to 16:30

I am so looking forward to seeing you all at the Fairford Art Society.

My theme for this demonstration is all about sunlight, and how to make your watercolours zing with light.
I intend to show you how I interpret sketches in my sketchbook to make watercolour paintings, as well as using photos to paint pictures which imply a sense of plein air.

Do come along to the demo is you can.I am happy for you to ask questions during the demo and chat to me at the break
Demonstration - Capturing light on figures
- Fairford Gloucestershire
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Telephone: 01451 820014  Email: fiona@fionapeart.com